Experiential Learning with Horses
and Nature


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Workshops & Retreats
for Personal Discovery & Professional Development

As our way to say to the U.S. Military Veterans "Thank you for your service" Military Veterans and their familes are invited to be our guests without fee to all our events.

The Nature of Courageous Change:
Moving through Challenge, Staying Calm in Crisis, Transforming Trauma

A one day workshop for those moving through challenging life events and for professional who support people to move through life's challenging times through presentation, dialogue and experiential learning with horses and nature.

Sunday September 15 2024, 9:00 am-3:30 pm

Location: Pebble Ledge Ranch, Novelty Ohio

Facilitators: Jackie Stevenson and the spirit of leadership team and herd

Join us on a journey guided by horses and nature to

  • Enhance your natural ability to reclaim your life following adverse events, times of challenge and overwhelming experiences
  • Pause from your fast paced lives to listen from within at the crossroads of important life decisions
  • Learn to rebalance and re-center from life dilemmas that cause you to be off center and unbalanced
  • Explore moving forward through uncertainty and crisis from a more confident, calm and embodied place
  • Strengthen your capacity to manage expected and unexpected life changes and stressful life events with resiliency toward a life well lived
  • Transform crisis into wisdom

Fee: $135.00, limited scholarships available, 4 BCC CE’s

Contact Jackie for registration or information jacalynstevenson@gmail.com.

Try Something Different
Horses Challenge Us to be Our Best

  • Horses are remarkable teachers of leadership relational development. They have an amazing ability to resonate with our true emotional intelligence, offer a 360 perspective and reflect back to us our authentic self.
  • We learn from the herd to create a community of purpose, expand our humanity and to create the best possible conditions for a positive future to emerge and then be there to greet it.
  • Inspiring Professional Development

    • People partnering with horses for action-based discovery focused in the moment, learning experiences relevant to real time issues and authentic work situations.
    • Powerful experiential and accelerated knowledge opportunities whereby personal insight learned information and skill development is immediately internalized.
    • Horses can bring a high degree of chaos and unexpected change. We learn to summon moment to moment calm, strength, focus, respect, and trust to maintain a mutually safe and beneficial working relationship with the horse - all skills essential for engaging people.
    • Engaging with horses in focused and reflective activity challenges us to learn how to think rather than what to think. Horses offer immediate feedback about our presence, emotional intelligence, and embodied language.
    • Be prepared to; be safe, discover something meaningful to you and have fun

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      The Sacred Practice and Path of Guiding with Horses

      Pre-Conference Workshop EAHAE International
      Germany, #paddocktrailschkölen D-07619 Schkölen/ Thuringia

      September 19, 2024

      We will journey together to explore, experience, and embody seven sacred practices of guiding personal and professional discovery with horses. This path is a sacred practice where everyone belongs, everyone is essential, and everyone matters, where leadership is shared and offered to all.

      This is a highly experiential workshop where seven sacred learning opportunities and exercises will be demonstrated and accessible for participants to integrate as they choose into their guiding with horses practice.

      Applicable to working with individuals, couple, families, groups and teams as all in the collective are present in some form.

      Seven Sacred Practices in Guiding with Horses:

      • Attuning and Being Present
      • Holding Sacred Space
      • Inspiring Leadership and Teamwork
      • Listening Within and to Another
      • Engaging Courageously
      • Embodying Awareness
      • Balancing Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit

      All Relationships are Sacred
      Sacred Practice is Always Relational

      What is a sacred relationship?

      • A sacred relationship is a relationship in which we are inspired to see the divine in ourselves and in other people and in our horses.
      • Sacredness is an embodied felt experience. It is a knowing deep within, a knowing of who you really are and seeing other beings with full acceptance, for who they truly are and the best of who they are.
      • In sacred practice, everyone belongs, everyone is essential, and everyone matters. Leadership is shared and offered to all.
      • We are all part of a collective circle of relationships, and all are present in some form; past, present, future.

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      Experiential Learning with Horses Professional Practitioner Certificate Program

      Developing Human Potential for Positive Change for the Future of Humanity and All Life

      September 25-29, 2024
      Pebble Ledge Ranch Novelty, Ohio 44072

      Guided by Jackie Stevenson and the Pebble Ledge herd

      This professional certificate program is designed for

      • People interested in integrating and facilitating relational work with horses in their careers and personal lives
      • People interested in strengthening personal mastery in their professional practice and personal lives by engaging with horses
      • People interested in expanding their coaching capacities; client centered active listening, quality connection, embodied language, collaboration, flexibility, grounded mindful presence, inclusion, and awareness of the field by engaging with horses and their herd. You will learn and practiceBoard Certified Coaching (BCC )and International Coaching Federation (ICF) competencies.

      Join the adventure with your fellow horse and human herd members for the Experiential Learning with Horses 2024 program. It is an honor, privilege, and responsibility to engage with horses and to support and guide people in their personal and professional learning, skill building and growth through experiential learning with horses and nature and coaching competence.

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      Journeying Around the
      Medicine Wheel Retreat

      Releasing and Embracing Change Within Natures Realm of Autumn’s Magnificence, Magic, & Mysteryy

      October 5, 2024 9:00-4:00

      Pebble Ledge Ranch< Novelty Ohio

      Join us at Pebble Ledge Ranch in Novelty Ohio, surrounded by the majesty of nature, our majestic herd of horses, and the wisdom of three Medicine Wheels to explore your life's most precious questions, to discover your part in service of a better world and to simply be your most loveable self.

      "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world…In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."
      --Anne Frank

      Journey around the medicine wheel, interact with horses in their herd and engage with nature providing a lived experience to build on strengths, face challenge with courage and compassion and experience the connection and interconnection of living systems of which we are an integral part.

      Create your own "traveling" medicine wheel with stones from the land.

      Learn about The Medicine Wheel

      The Medicine Wheel or the Circle of Life, as it is sometimes called, is central to the tradition of most indigenous peoples. Although specific aspects of the medicine wheel vary from tribe to tribe and culture to culture, the intrinsic meaning is shared. The Medicine Wheel represents the circle of life and carries wisdom from many perspectives to inform and bless our daily journey through life.

      The Medicine Wheel is both a sacred representation of life's journey and a practical system for maintaining balance and direction for the individual, the family and community.

      The Medicine Wheel is a map of discovery, balance, and healing. The wheel offers an integral map of the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual realms.

      The term medicine refers to one's wisdom, personal power, essence, and unique spark of the divine... To learn about, walk or pray the Wheel is to approach life from divergent perspectives and to integrate the wisdom and truth from each in our pursuit of wholeness.

      There is no horse riding...the horseplay is an opportunity to learn more about you. The interrelated four directions in the circle of the Medicine Wheel and the four forces of nature each offer us spiritual teachings and practical life lessons inviting intuition and inner wisdom and an awareness of our place of belonging in the family of life.

      Fee: $135

      Contact Jackie for information or to register for this retreat.

      We are prepared for the changing moods of Mother Nature with indoor and outdoor spaces to engage safely with the horses and for moments of team reflection and dialogue.

      Journey around the medicine wheel, listen within to the wisdom of horses and nature and attune with grace to your true nature and imagine living life in peace.

      Guided by Jackie and Herb Stevenson and the herd.

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      The Path and Practice of Sacred Living Guided by Horses and Nature

      October 6, 2024, 9:00am-3:30pm
      Location: Pebble Ledge Ranch Novelty, Ohio

      Guided by Jackie Stevenson and the Spirit of Leadership team and herd

      We will journey together to explore, experience, and embody seven sacred practices on the path of Sacred Living. This path is a sacred practice where everyone belongs, everyone is essential, and everyone matters, where leadership is shared and offered to all.

      Seven Sacred Practices in Sacred Living:

      1. Attuning and Being Present
      2. Holding Sacred Space
      3. Inspiring Leadership and Teamwork in families and our workplaces
      4. Listening Within and to Another
      5. Engaging Courageously
      6. Embodying Awareness
      7. Balancing Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit

      All Relationships are Sacred
      Sacred Practice is Always Relational

      What is a sacred relationship?

      • A sacred relationship is a relationship in which we are inspired to see the divine in ourselves and in other people and in our horses.
      • Sacredness is an embodied felt experience. It is a knowing deep within, a knowing of who you really are and seeing other beings with full acceptance, for who they truly are and the best of who they are.
      • In sacred practice, everyone belongs, everyone is essential, and everyone matters.
      • Leadership is shared and offered to all.
      • We are all part of a collective circle of relationships, and all are present in some form; past, present, future.

      We will wander in the forest above the beautiful ancient grandfather and grandmother ledges. Many sacred and ceremonial sites have revealed themselves and welcome us to learn from them. Honoring and remembering our ancestors we will become more aware of how we might bring forward their gifts that live through us.

      Registration: To register for your place in the circle or for more information contact Jackie at jacalynstevenson@gmail.com.

      Fee: $135

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      Listening Beyond What You Hear: The Practice of Engaged Listening

      Bringing all our senses to what we hear for deeper meaning and greater understanding

      October 9, 2024, 1pm to 5pm


      For registration call: 216.368.6413 or Email: seminar@case.edu

      Instructor: Jackie Stevenson

      "The most important thing in communication is hearing what is not spoken"
      Peter Drucker

      Listening is most frequently associated with hearing through the ears but we have many sources of hearing, through our heart, our intuition and all of our senses. Engaging and listening with our body awareness and intelligence is a practice of quiet patience, which frees us up from the chatter of inner and outer voices and the desensitizing sounds of telephones, computers and environmental noise. Engaged listening is hearing between words and beyond what is spoken, focusing on listening to what the speaker holds relevant, essential and most important. Through the practice of holistic listening, we can increase our self-awareness to become more aligned with, and authentically present in our actions. This experiential, reflective workshop provides multiple opportunities for participants to practice and expand their listening capacity and capability.


      • Strengthening our sense-abilities in professional relationships
      • Listening from a holistic perspective for the deeper meaning, intention and purpose of the words
      • Nurturing developmental relationships through high quality connections
      • Creating values-based relational alliances

      Learning Outcomes

      As a result of attending this program, participants will:

      • Understand, strengthen and practice skills for listening fully and holistically
      • Learn how to build developmental relationships through inclusive, value-based and ethical practice
      • Asses their ability to be fully present in conversations
      • Suspend their judgement and assumptions in order to listen from the point of view of others
      • Learn how to create relational alliances through high-quality connections

      Who Should Attend

      Anyone interested in developing their capacity to listen deeply; especially relevant for managers, coaches and professionals engaging in collaborative or developmental work.

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      Woman's Call of the Wild

      An Inner Journey, Vision Quest
      and Fall Retreat in Nature

      October 13, 2024, 9am - 3:30pm

      Pebble Ledge Ranch, Novelty, Ohio

      Have you been hearing the call of the wild?
      Have you been dreaming and awakening to inner knowing?

      Gather your deep feminine instinct, free horse spirit, wildish and wolfish nature and love of the natural world. We will follow the trails through the forest uncovering our natural primitive self step by step. Gathering in a tribal circle we will share care and wisdom

      The river calls us to be heard, the earth longs for our footsteps to hold the souls of our feet, the trees and rocks have secrets to tell us, the fire holds healing warmth for our bones and the wind inspiration for our spirit. Explore the beauty of your changing seasons.

      Moving with the rhythm of timelessness and ceremonial space, listening deeply within we will create the energetic field to support each other's wisdom and instinctual natures.

      Connecting through nature to your wilderness spirit, inner nature and natural being

      • Discover quiet moments in nature and spend peaceful time
      • oin a herd of seven wise horses and one courageous zebra
      • Sit by a campfire or listen to the creek to reflect, dream and vision
      • Stretch your body and self perception walking or climbing
      • Dwell beneath 350 million year old ledges & 1.1 billion year old crystals
      • Nap underneath a tree and enjoy the simple luxury of slowing down
      • Awaken through body intelligence and energetic awareness
      • Sleep on the earth; under the stars, in the forest yurt or cottage
      • Expand your authentic presence and life design through ceremony
      • Explore the simple questions: Who am I? How am I to be? What is my unique purpose? If not now when?

      Location: Pebble Ledge Ranch, Novelty, Ohio

      The land is about 80 acres and is surrounded by 500 acres of Geauga Park land and the Geauga Rookery. The Chagrin River wanders along and through the forest of the east boundary offering beautiful places to dwell by the water and to splash about on warm days. The west boundary is guarded by a Hemlock forest and old Canadian Glacial Rock and ledge formations and millions of 1.1 billion year old quartz pebbles...hence the name Pebble Ledge. On the north boundary is a three acre natural bog with amazing lily pads, water birds, turtles and many other primordial critters of the bog. The south boundary is living space for people and horses. The 20 acre rolling pasture is home to the herd of 7 remarkable horses and one courageous zebra, which live freely, joyfully and at peace.

      We will wander in the forest above the beautiful ancient grandfather and grandmother ledges. Many sacred and ceremonial sites have revealed themselves and welcome us to learn from them.

      Registration: Open to a circle of 20 women. To register for your place in the circle or for more information contact Jackie at jacalynstevenson@gmail.com.

      Fee: $135

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      The Courage to Live Beyond Human Trafficking

      With Horses and Nature as Your Guides

      Retreat for women who are survivors of sex trafficking and taking back their life

      Sponsored by the Renee Jones Empowerment Center & The Spirit of Leadership

      Join our herd of brave-hearted horses at Pebble Ledge Ranch where “everyone belongs, everyone is essential, everyone matters, and everyone is treasured.”

      October 19, 2024, 9:00-3:00

      Pebble Ledge Ranch, Novelty in Northeast Cleveland, Ohio

      The focus of the “Take Back Your Life: The Courage to Live Beyond Human Trafficking Retreat is to strengthen empowerment, self-care, and loving relationship for those with the courage to break the human trafficking cycle and the commitment to get their lives back on track.

      We will explore:

      • Moving beyond trauma and returning to a sense of safety
      • Developing positive self-esteem, self-compassion and self-care
      • Learning to establish healthy boundaries and safe relationships and to make good decisions
      • Experiencing empowerment through faith, resiliency and optimism
      • Daring to dream about a positive future

      Horses, for generations, have carried us upon their backs, taking us farther and carrying us faster than we could travel alone. Today, horses can guide us to find our way in life. They challenge us to move beyond our previous limitations and forward to be our best self. Horses have an amazing ability to understand our true emotions, offer a unique perspective and reflect back to us what we most need to know.

      Guided by Jackie Stevenson and the spirit of leadership team, horse herd, and nature

      For registration contact Renee Jones at the Renee Jones Empowerment Center rjones@rjecempower.org.

      Our promise is that you will have a safe, meaningful and fun experience.

      There is no horse riding and all the horseplay takes place on the ground

      Nature soothes the soul and is an abundant source of creative and healing energy. Within the sacred power of nature and the compassionate heart of the horse familiar patterns are often challenged and resources untapped become available. Nature expands our capacity for focus, intention, and integration to help ourselves and others embody the gifts of self empowerment, self healing, &self care.

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      Personal and Professional Retreats at Pebble Ledge Ranch

      Visit Personal or Professional Retreats at Pebble Ledge Ranch to learn more.


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