Experiential Learning with Horses
and Nature


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Corporate and Non Profit Organizations Retreats and Training Through "Experiential Learning with Horses"

Custom Designed Organization and Business Retreats & Training Opportunities for Leadership, Teams, Staff & Boards

Innovating, Engaging,
Sustaining Positive Culture Change

Change your Culture Engage Success

  • Positive Culture Change Initiative
  • Building Team Performance
  • Developing Leadership Excellence
  • Engaging Organizational Spirit
  • Inspiring Human Potential

We Deliver powerful action learning experiences with horses and nature for leadership development, team building and communication. The immediacy of the learning will help you to quickly internalize new insights and skills.

Our Approach is grounded in solid business principles, knowledge of human behavior, understanding of team dynamics and creative approaches to conflict and change.

We Provide strength based learning experiences and activities relevant to real world, real-time work situations.

Special Events and Retreats at Pebble Ledge Ranch

Consider an experience with Horses and Nature for your next family event, group, team or corporate retreat. We will work with you to custom design a valuable experience of learning and fun. Contact Jackie at jacalyn.stevenson@gmail.com.

Personal or Professional Retreats at Pebble Ledge Ranch

Pebble Ledge Ranch is a wonderful choice for your individual, group or organizations retreat, seminar, or training program. Pebble Ledge Ranch is situated on eighty acres of private conservancy protected land and is surrounded by 500 acres of Geauga County Park forest, rookery and wetlands. The ranch is conveniently located within an hour drive of downtown Cleveland, Ohio the popular University Circle cultural center, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Cleveland Hopkins airport, while quietly nestled in the heart of the pastoral Great Western Reserve of northeast Ohio.

Several ecosystems thrive on this land. Rolling pasture and grass land, a mature woods, ancient hemlock forest, rocks and river invite, observation, hiking and exploration on Pebble Ledge Ranch. The beautiful Chagrin River borders the east boundary, the Canadian Glacier Rock Ledges filled with quartz pebbles border the south boundary, a primorial bog of birds and water creatures extends along the north boarder. Fox, deer, hawk and heron are among the wildlife that are often seen and make this their home.

Pebble Ledge Ranch has several structures including a pre civil war bank barn, a yurt (mongolian tent) a guest cottage and farm house which can be made available for activities and meeting space. The horse facility is home to a gentle herd of eight horses with a dry sand paddock work space and picturesque rolling pasture. Give us a call or better yet come for a visit to explore how we might serve you in planning and delivering an experience that will make a difference in your work and life.

Contact Jackie for registration or information at 440-338-1752
or by email at jacalyn.stevenson@gmail.com.

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